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 About the Founder

Meet Kristen and why she created Health Made Happy


When I was 14 years old, I started experiencing neck tension and frequent headaches. It was around this time that I had my first structured introduction to fitness, which led to a lifelong love of anatomy, exercise, and movement. I also had my first exposure to alternative, or complementary, medicine receiving chiropractic care.

My struggle with chronic pain continued for a very long time. I experienced daily headaches and frequent migraines while I was in college. I spent the next 15 years attempting to alleviate my pain by educating myself and seeking the expertise of others in areas like diet change, eliminating toxins, increasing hydration, breathing and meditation, movement therapies, massage therapy, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, and energy work. While each attempt was a very beneficial educational experience, still nothing gave me long-term relief.

Throughout this, I learned the root cause of my pain. It was not only physical, it was emotional. My body was trying to tell me I was missing something important.

I’m an entrepreneur, wife, and momma (order of occurrence, not importance). In 2017, I reached a low point. After having my daughter, I was overwhelmed and depleted with the demands of motherhood, running my business, and supporting my spouse through a stressful career. I knew I couldn’t live like that anymore and finally asked for help. It took a lot of encouragement, from myself, to know it was okay to ask for and receive this help.

The knowledge I had obtained through my schooling no longer felt like a manual with too many instructions. This new integrated way of living through body and spirit had steps clearly laid out–Step one: Ask for help. Step two: Take care of yourself. Everything else can be managed.

My story could have had a much different outcome. I chose to release my physical and emotional pain; I chose to feel happy.

There have been countless people who have helped along my journey and supported me through hard times. I don’t take all the credit for getting here, but I do give myself all the credit for showing up each and every single day.

I think that’s what life is. We work so hard for what we want, but we need to connect with our support systems physically and spiritually to achieve our dreams. I’m sharing this because I truly believe these choices and connections are possible for everyone. I’m inspired each day by the clients I work with and the opportunity I have to be a part of their health. I’m so happy to be here with you on your journey to Health Made Happy.

Beyond the education of my experiences, I’ve signed up for the all-you-can-eat buffet of education. And I keep going back for more! In college, I studied Theatre Performance and Human Biology in addition to certifications in personal training and Pilates. I went on to receive advanced certifications in holistic lifestyle coaching and continuing education in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, meditation, breathwork, corrective exercise, functional nutrition, and trauma-informed care. I recently completed the Neuro Leadership Program for ocular and vestibular neuro exercise and received my Reiki Level 2 certification.
