Most forms of exercise operate from a bottom-up approach where the body is being conditioned and offering feedback to the brain. Engaging ocular (eye) and vestibular (inner ear) exercises enables a top-down approach where the brain is taking in information and offering feedback to the body.

This increases communication between the brain and the body by operating through the biofeedback loop. Awareness of one’s actions and position in space are increased by simultaneously using all three balance systems; eyes, inner ear, and kinesthetic senses. Participants can experience greater awareness of self and their surroundings. Decreased stress of the body and mind are additional benefits.

Traditional movements and exercises to improve balance, posture, and mobility are performed with the addition of simple charts and a ball. Exercises are broken down to be non-complex, yet challenging and most importantly fun!

VOR Charts are used for ocular exercises and vestibular exercises. Brain Speed Charts are used to improve task switching abilities. The Brain Speed ball brings everything together! Through the inherent nature of play when using a ball, your nervous system can begin to regulate in as little as one exercise of playing catch.

Curious? Give it a try by clicking the link and video below.